KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter Review: Monitor Fat Metabolism & Ketosis Levels

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter by KETOSCAN. This portable breath acetone analyzer is designed to measure ketone levels and calculate body fat burning rate in your exhaled breath. With features like non-invasive testing, mobile app connectivity, and the ability to calculate body fat burning rate, this device offers a convenient way to monitor your ketosis levels and overall fitness progress. Stick around as we delve deeper into the features, benefits, and user feedback to help you make an informed decision about integrating this tool into your health and fitness routine.

Product Description

The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter by KETOSCAN is a cutting-edge portable breath acetone analyzer designed to monitor your ketone levels and calculate your body fat burning rate through your exhaled breath. Made in Korea, this device offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional blood testing methods, eliminating the need for finger pricking. Simply blow into the device for 3 seconds to obtain accurate results.

One of the standout features of the KETOSCAN Mini is its connectivity to a mobile app, allowing you to track and record your acetone levels and weight on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The app also enables you to leave comments, track your calorie intake, and even upload photos of your meals for a comprehensive overview of your nutrition and fitness progress.

With results displayed in Parts Per Million (PPM) on both the device's built-in white dot matrix display and the mobile app, you can easily monitor your ketosis state and body fat burning rate. This information is invaluable for planning and optimizing your nutrition and fitness regimen based on your individual metabolic processes.

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Pros and Cons


  1. Accurate Ketone Measurement: Users have reported accurate ketone measurements comparable to blood testing methods, providing reliable data for tracking fat metabolism and level of ketosis.

  2. Portable and Convenient: The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter is compact in size, making it easy to carry around for on-the-go testing. This portability enables users to monitor their ketone levels anytime, anywhere.

  3. Intuitive Operation: Customers have praised the device for its user-friendly design and smooth operation. The intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate through the testing process and interpret the results efficiently.


  1. Limited Usage Before Recalibration: One drawback of the product is that it requires recalibration after 300 uses. This limitation may inconvenience users who rely heavily on frequent testing for their diet and fitness tracking.

  2. Price: Priced at $149.99, the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter may be considered expensive by some customers. The higher cost may deter budget-conscious individuals from investing in this device.

  3. Mixed Feedback on Long-Term Durability: While most users have reported positive experiences with the device, there have been isolated cases of durability issues, with some customers expressing concerns about the product's long-term reliability.

Customer Reviews

The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter has garnered a solid 4.1 out of 5 stars from 894 ratings on Amazon. Let's delve into what customers have to say about this innovative diet and fitness tracker:

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars - " has been a game-changer for my diet and fitness tracking..."

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars - "...started using a ketone blood meter early on... familiar with how my diet impacts..."

  • 4.0 out of 5 stars - "...Compared this product to our keto mojo, and the numbers came out comparable..."

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars - "...the operation is smooth and intuitive...I cannot possibly know if it’s ketones..."

  • 1.0 out of 5 stars - "...purchased a lemon...expensive doesn’t necessarily mean a superior product..."

  • 3.0 out of 5 stars - "...this has been easy to use...only 300 tests before the..."

These diverse reviews reflect a mix of experiences with the KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter, from praises for its ease of use and accuracy to concerns about potential recalibration issues and limited usage before recalibration is required.


The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter by KETOSCAN is a revolutionary device for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Its non-invasive breath analysis provides a convenient and pain-free way to monitor ketone levels and track body fat burning rates. The ability to calculate optimal ketosis state and plan personalized nutrition and fitness routines sets this device apart.

The integration with a mobile app allows for seamless tracking of acetone levels, weight, and calorie intake, enhancing user experience and data management. The device's built-in display showing results in PPM adds to the convenience, even without the app.

While some users noted comparable results to blood ketone meters, the V2 KETOSCAN Mini offers a unique approach with its breath analysis method. The positive feedback from satisfied customers emphasizes its effectiveness as a diet and fitness tracker.

In conclusion, the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter is a valuable tool for individuals committed to achieving and maintaining ketosis. Its user-friendly design, accurate results, and comprehensive tracking capabilities make it a worthwhile investment for anyone on a low-carb or ketogenic diet journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the breath ketone meter work?

The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter operates by analyzing the acetone levels in your breath, providing you with insights into your fat metabolism and the level of ketosis your body is experiencing. By simply exhaling into the device, you can quickly and conveniently monitor your ketone levels.

2. Is the device accurate compared to traditional blood ketone meters?

Users have reported comparable results between the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter and traditional blood ketone meters like the keto mojo. While the measurement scales may differ between blood and breath testing, the device's accompanying app helps users interpret and track their ketone levels effectively.

3. How often does the device need recalibration?

The V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter requires recalibration after approximately 300 uses. While this may seem frequent to some users, the operation remains smooth and intuitive, ensuring accurate readings throughout its lifespan.

4. Can the device be used for continuous monitoring?

With a limit of 300 tests before recalibration, users may find the device suitable for occasional or periodic monitoring rather than continuous use. However, for those looking to track their ketosis levels regularly, the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter offers an easy-to-use solution.

5. Is the device user-friendly?

Customers have praised the V2 KETOSCAN Mini Breath Ketone Meter for its smooth and intuitive operation. Despite minor concerns about recalibration and limited usage, the device remains a valuable tool for individuals following low-carb, ketogenic, or other nutrition and fitness programs.

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